Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm Just Not Into That Movie

So I held off on this blog, so I wouldn't totally spoil someone's movie experience. Chances are, if you REALLY cared, you went and saw this movie last night. Maybe you didn't want to deal with crowds, and I'll try my best not to spoil anything - but stop reading if you really don't want to know anything.

Tuesday, I went to a press screening of He's Just Not That Into You with my boss @ The Grove. I was slightly excited to see this movie, I'm not sure why. I thought it might be good. I thought maybe I would learn or enjoy or at the very least be entertained. I was uncomfortable. Maybe not through the whole movie, but there were a few moments where I slunk down in my seat, cringed, and prayed that girls are not this stupid. But they are, at least in this movie. Maybe Andrea said it best when she said "It makes you uncomfortable because you know girls like this." Maybe seeing it on the big screen was just too much. But it was HARD to watch. I also got really uncomfortable when I would laugh out loud about things that might make normal girls go "aww" - and silently cursed myself for being a "jerk", and wished Dorina was there so she could laugh with me.

My boss said that she could relate to every single woman in the movie, even the craziest one. She's also a bit older than I am, and has been in tons of relationships - so maybe it comes with the territory. But still, I hope I am never as crazy at the crazy one in this movie. And it's not like I can't relate. I related to Katherine Heigl's character in 27 dresses, I liked that movie. I can't relate to crazy people - like Meg Ryan in Sleepless, or in this case - Ginnifer Goodwin's character.

So, because she was crazy, I found her slightly annoying. (spoiler) And then when things happen the way they do for her. I don't agree. And I'm not happy for her because she bugs the sh*t out of me. Plus it doesn't make sense to me. And it was uber predictable, really early on. And then I think the biggest reason of all is that I feel like plot is then counter to what the book is supposedly trying to stand for, and thus give crazy girls hope and they can be crazy it's okay. Sooooo not the point of the book. Although, the book is a little crazy itself - it's supposed to be about giving the women power and sense, I don't feel like this movie did that.

I like the Jennifer Aniston story line, (spoiler) and although still a little bit of false hope is infused there, it makes sense. The Jennifer Connelly storyline is okay, (spoiler) but her husband is such a douche, that it just makes it sad. (That guy always plays these kinds of characters huh? Must be STBHim, being pigeon holed as THAT guy.) Drew Barrymore's story is entertaining, and maybe solely there for comic relief, and also to (spoiler) be able to wrap it up in the end, just so everything can be wrapped up. Why does the movie ending have to have a neat little bow on it in the end, even if the movie spent less than 5 minutes getting to that end. Makes. no. sense.

I get all crazy analytical about the behavior of girls and what does and doesn't work, and a LOT of times it doesn't make sense to me. I think this movie supports a little bit of that, and thus - it doesn't make sense to me/makes me not like it. Which is sad, because it so had the potential - but decided to be cliche instead. It had the potential to be "new" and "different" - which is why I feel like the book was so popular. The shock factor. This movie, had a point where it could have turned and been good and developed well, but it turned right around and got all hopeless love story on me. Aside from the crazy one, there were a few other characters that often made me say "really?!" and wonder if that's what trying to find love, dating or being in a relationship was like - cuz if it is... I'm so not having it. (Explains a lot huh? I'm totally going to be the crazy cat lady... or the crazy electronics lady (when I'm too lazy to take care of my cats)).

It wasn't all lost though. They had cute promo items... one being this date decoder - while being a little farfetched.. it can be a little downright mean. aka equals a good time. These 4 statements are my favorite:


  1. i kind of want to see it but i can see why you wouldn't like it.. that probably means i won't like it either.. i think we just wouldn't let a guy treat us that way, and this film maybe is for those girls who don't "get" that he's just not that into you.

  2. you should see it, so you can get your own opinion. don't get me wrong, i've had my fair share of "he's just not that into you" moments - but i would hope that i'm not as silly as this girl. maybe wait til you come back and it's in the $3 theatres. are you coming back soon?!

  3. I have not seen the movie, but I have "read" the book, and I understand your point about it being in opposition to the entire message behind the book. Maybe the point was to make all these cringe-worthy characters that are over-the-top insane to remind people "this is what it looks like when you behave that way" and "this is what a theater full of people laughing at you sounds like when you behave that way."

    I understand there is a character named Beth who has a 7 year relationship. Haha, I've already seen that movie.

  4. Beth: hahah.. that's so funny, yet sad, but still funny.

    Except the "Beth" story line was the only one I liked. They were the smart ones. So maybe it's an omen for the future! Do you know a guy named Neil?
