Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's 11pm at night, this isn't supposed to happen.


Some randomly lit flares on the 405/10 interchange (or some cops left them out from an accident and one got knocked out of place) - but it cause this major back up. Andthe entrance to the fwy was backed up because people don't know how to use two lanes. Long story short... I hate when traffic is backed up when pol don't know how to drive.

And neither of those people are me and dre - even if we are Asian women. Eff you stereotypes.

*note: i originally email blogged this - but for some reason it didn't appear. if it miraculously appears again and is a duplicate post - i apologize. i'm not that angry... my phone has just been hating me lately (shush your iphone-haterade Andrea)


  1. soooo, you emailed this FROM YOUR CAR??? im calling the cops, yo. illegals.

  2. Seriously. Totally illegal and unsafe to text while driving. I like how she specified that she's not a bad driver while texting and driving. Hah. Irony. Don'tcha think.

  3. Okay haters. You really think I wrote that out while I was driving? I'm not that talented. I did it from a parking lot after I was safely stopped.

    You guys are fired.
