Saturday, January 10, 2009

$18 well spent.

So last night, Nicole braved her 2nd entrance to the quarantine and brought me soup and some filipino food to help this fire in my throat (*Thanks Nicole!*) She also helped us get out of the dark ages and helped us hook up the Wii to the internet. For some reason - even though I have all these toys - I don't invest a lot of time in them. I know.. it's terrible. There's a whole lot of things that I buy, that I don't open, use infrequently (if at all) and mostly just collect dust. I'm awful... but I do it. I REALLY wanted a Wii two years ago around Christmas time and got on on Ebay as well as one from a Vendor. (Why did I ever quit that job?!) But I paid more than what it was worth on Ebay, and technically it was a present for my dad - but I have since comandeered it. I kind of feel bad about that.

I had heard about downloading games and what not for the Wii, but never did - in the hopes that one day I'd just find my Japanese Nintendo/Super Nintendo, and just have all those games without needing to pay extra for them. (I'm so Chinese, sometimes, I know.) Anyways, we finally got off our butts and downloading Street Fighter and Super Mario - and also this Internet Browser function that's pretty nifty I'd have to say.

We started out with Street Fighter 2 and although we didn't keep true with the "loser takes a shot" rule (THAT would have been a mess), it was still plenty of fun. I find that even though my memory about things now kind of sucks, I remember a lot of useless knowledge from my childhood - like the codes for evoking the special tricks of the SF2 characters. I also remember where the tricks and special blocks are in Super Mario Bros 3 - but I can't remember to bring my cell phone with me everyday?! Geez.

We debated over whether we should buy Super Mario 1 or 3, and in the end 3 ran out. I know sure if it's the "controllers" we need to get used to, or if our muscle memory is awful because we were sucking pretty badly. There are many moments of hilarity and I highly recommend playing it for the first time if you want to stay in but have a good time.

When Dorina and I separate, I'm pretty sure she's going to ask for her money back... or maybe I'll just be like "sucka..." but she has the controllers - so it'll be an interesting split :P I like how she asked for controllers for my game system. hehe. I foresee some game playing in the future (this is also a trend - I get really obsessed with something for awhile, and then after we're done, it collects dust. TERRIBLE.) But we now have the Nintendo callous and are determined to get better and pass the levels of Super Mario 3 *without using the whistle :P


  1. i hope you guys are used to smb3 now, cause next time im over i will totally challenge you suckas to a mario-off.

    ill have you know that i can beat smb3 in 15 minutes :)

  2. i'm still not used to it. and even if dorina is, i'm pretty sure you will still hand our asses to us. but you're still welcome to come over and show off your skillz.
