Thursday, April 23, 2009

Be Kind to your Neighbors

So I have this friend. Said friend has gotten into a relationship and spends mass quantities of time (read: everyday) with their new loved one, and has fun doing quality couple things. You could say that it's cute. Or you could say that it's grossly annoying. It depends on which end of the spectrum you like to be. Sometimes, if you're friends with said new lovey dovey couple, you just kind of suck it up and grin and bear it. You want to be happy for your friends right? Or you just don't spend as much time around them, which isn't that hard because you're not one of the people in the relationship and that's all they have time for anyway. But suck it up and grin and bear it doesn't apply to people who don't know you. And people who don't know you that you disturb. At least not forever anyways. I've "heard" through the grapevine (not through any actual experience of my own), that some of these activities (not the ones where said couple is just making out on the couch in plain sight, but the kind that are behind closed doors) are kind of disturbing to people outside the room in the same apartment. That's never fun. I spent a whole year of college with not that kind of fun. The crappy part about apartment living is sharing very thin walls. Noise doesn't just travel within the apartment, but apparently throughout the whole building as well. How would you like to come home and find the note below taped to the door? It's a good thing you guys are moving.

Best. Letter. Ever.


  1. Oh wow. You should put that on FB and tag the hell out of it.

  2. I still wanna hang out with the person who wrote this note.

    They are my hero... and most likely your "said friend's" quasi-roommate's hero :-)

  3. LOL.. s/he should have put their apt # on it too

  4. And that note just made MY day. Thanks for sharing! :)!
